Accepting Accruals

Once a law firm submits their accrual amount, you can accept it or edit the amount. Once you accept the accrual, it indicates to the law firm that their submission has been reviewed. You can report submitted amounts to your finance department regardless of their acceptance status.

Accepting Accruals

  1. Click the Action Required link in the homepage Billing panel.
  2. The Accruals Search page opens with the list of submitted accruals.

  3. Click the accrual in the Accrual Name column to be taken to the Accrual Overview page.

  4. Click the Amounts tab. You can find the submitted accruals by looking in the Status column.

  5. Click the arrow next to the law firm name to review the amounts for each matter. You can also edit the amounts submitted if necessary.

    NOTE Your organization must have the edit feature for submitted accruals enabled in order to perform this action.

  6. Place a check mark next to the law firm(s) for which you'd like to accept the amounts.
  7. Click the Accept button. The Accept Law Firm Office Accruals window displays.

  8. Click Yes to confirm. A message displays on the tab confirming the acceptance. The message also indicates if any were not accepted, including the reason why.