Using the Matter Overview Tabs

Each Matter Overview contains tabs at the bottom of the page. These tabs provide access to additional information on the matter, including assigned law firms, documents, tasks, or staff.

A number on a tab represents the associated items contained within that tab.

Click the link in the Tab column to learn more about a specific tab.

NOTE Depending on your client's configuration and your role assignments, you may not have access to all of these options.

Tab Description


This tab contains collapsible sections for all of the tabs displayed on the Matter Overview page.


This section displays information related to the spend so far on the matter, including summary and budget information.

Law Firms

This tab displays the list of law firms that are assigned to a matter.


This tab displays all of the users involved in the matter.


This tab displays an logs that were entered to document an interaction regarding the matter.


This tab displays a list of invoices that have been submitted to the matter.

Documents This tab displays any documents that have been added to the matter, which may include receipts, correspondence logs, or emails.
Tasks This tab displays any tasks that have been assigned to the matter. You can add new or manage existing tasks here.
Related Matters

This tab displays a list of matters that have been added as related to the matter you are viewing.

NOTE This tab will not be visible if it is not enabled for your client.

Staff This tab displays the staff that have been added to the matter and allows you to add or remove as necessary.
Calendar This tab displays any calendar events that have been created for the matter.
History This tab displays a list of all changes that have been made on the matter since its creation.